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Can anyone explain this one to an unlit match?
 Posted by: 1972
 Date: 12/27/2023, 20:12:43
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

One of prem's latest gems:

"Freedom is being able to say thank you that you are alive.
That is freedom.
And that truest of all freedoms, no one-but no one-can take away."

Can anyone tell me what this is supposed to mean?
Does he really think this is something meaningful or profound?
Or that this relates to him in some way?

I never knew that's what freedom meant....but who am I... after all, I'm just an unlit match and totally in my mind....

Re: Can anyone explain this one to an unlit match?
 Posted by: tommo
 Date: 12/28/2023, 06:11:00
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

Well as one unlit match to another and lacking 'that understanding' I am obviously not qualified to judge and can only hazard a guess.  

The first sentence quite innocuously just restates the truism that  moments of happiness come with feelings of freedom and gratitude.

The next is manipulative hyperbole -- so now the commonplace  -  warm feelings of familiarity, confirmation and relief perhaps (that most of the 100% PWK audience at whatever event he said that will by now doubtless be feeling) is labelled and imprinted as 'special' -  with the Rawat-ownership tags of 'truest' and somehow mystically unassailable or inviolable'

And so PWKs will afterwards believe and parrot that their 'experience'  is  of the truest and most profound of all freedoms - purely in fact because that is what Rawat said their experience was - because, after all,  premies have long been conditioned neither to question nor to examine their own experience.  

What an irony -- to not even to own your own experience and yet to make 'experience' the very cornerstone of your proof and belief!  What a web the Rawat family weaved.

Still in some ways it's nice to imagine that you are 'special'.  I did for far too many years - until the position versus obvious reality (why are most people much better than I am in so many ways?) finally became too absurd.   And all those unlit matches - representing years in ashrams, coordinators, initiators -  but all of them seemingly there for the wrong reasons or not understanding?!  In fact nearly every past premie an unlit match not to mention the vast real world of never were premies.  Just a faithful few left that really have 'that true understanding' of Rawat's work in this world.  Hardly a likely picture of reality is it?

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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