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 Date:  Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 12:35:41 (EST)
 Posted by:  Doc
 Original URL:  Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
 Subject:  The Saturday Post
All the little April monkeys.

The chattering monkeys are rushing to the front and clinging to the bars of their cage screaming and shouting again. They're hoping a 'journalist' or 'the media' will pick up on something they say and turn them into an ex-premie superstar. They're creating a feeding frenzy out of nothing much because they are starved of something very much.

They think that not being at Amaroo, but glaring desperately into computer screens in search of more HOT NEWS during that time, will give them the panacea they seek. They think 'Indimedia' is 'the media'. I mean, how desperate can you get? At least the pwk who post there seem to understand it's just A.N. Other internet bulletin board.

It might interest the hate cult to know that 'the media' went on a feeding frenzy in 1981 and showed up at the Brisbane events and even got an interview with M which they nicely cut and edited for their own sweet purposes. The result? A five minute slot on a seamy current affairs show at prime time for suburban TV addicts and a two column drone about gurus and followers and money on page ten. Either way, a distant memory within minutes.

So there's coverage in the media. But what will fill these poor people's lives in May?

But right now the anti Maharaji zealots are salivating at a letter their disgraced hero had printed in a newspaper, gosh! so powerful and life changing. A headline story next? Bring out the fibulators!

Ironically, sadly more like, most of these ghastly monkeys were people who, in the Sixties and Seventies, actually saw the media for What It Was. You know, when it was 'reporting' on their pet loves...civil rights, freedom of drug use, rock concerts, freedom of thought, spiritual awakening, festivals and the surrounding counter culture scenario.

Oh yes, the media the ex-premie hate cult now gush over - distorted, sensationalized, victimized and tried to create a dark seamy underbelly for every innocence that took place in those amazing halcyon years.
Lo and behold, the media are just the same today, surprise surprise. And what little group of hatemongers is ogling the very same pages for 'exposes' of their pet hate? The same awful creatures who prayed to Jesus for our downfall back then. Ho ho.

It doesn't matter what spiritual group you belong to or what teacher you follow. There is something else that DOES matter though. Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, George Harrison, Janis Joplin, Lenny Bruce and a thousand other 60's luminaries would spit in the faces of these addled turncoats...Many more would join them.

Why would those brave souls do that?

Because these ex-lovers, these stale left overs from the dawn of the age of Aquarius, have become the very people they were once hated by.

They didn't have the courage to break the cycle.

THE CAT'S WHISKER A Funky little spot for anyone feeling free and easy

This is too rich:

There is something else that DOES matter though. Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, George Harrison, Janis Joplin, Lenny Bruce and a thousand other 60's luminaries would spit in the faces of these addled turncoats...Many more would join them.

Are you kidding me?

These people would laugh your fat stupid Guru Maharaj Ji right off the stage!

Do you really think Lenny Bruce would kiss Maharaji's feet?

And John "God is a Concept" Lennon?

Hey, Doc, maybe you should lay off the whacky weed before you post. Sheesh!

5 Who is Guru Maharaj Ji, Doc?
4 Is Maharaji your Jesus, Doc?  Your Messiah?
3 Who do you pray to, Doc?
2 Does Maharaji answer your prayers, Doc?
1 Is Maharaji going to show up at Amaroo, Doc?

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