You just gotta love these loving peaceful premies who so attentively listen to their Master's Message Of Peace (MOP).

Yes, Maharaji's MOP will save the World!

Terminate those who disagree!

Yes, that's an example of the Message of Peace.

And you shall know him by his fruit!

(Really ripe fruit, that is.)

You are welcome here. If you choose to offer negative comments or argue and flame, you will be asked to leave. If you refuse you WILL be EDITED or BLOCKED.

This forum is for those who love life,who celebrate it and live for the joy of it. If you are unhappy, dispirited or angry, stick around and read. Life is like a pendulum. :)

 Date:  Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 13:52:30 (EST)
 Posted by:  King of Oh-you-know
 Original URL:  Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
 Subject:  The easy rule for dealing with EX-holes
Giorgio, others:

The rule is NEVER ENGAGE, NEVER EXPLAIN. No matter what you say, these people have one goal in life: hurt Maharaji, and stop premies from sharing their experience with others.

Maharaji feeds some starving Africans? First they deny it, then they say it's a trick.

900,000 people come to hear Maharaji in one month. First they deny it, then they say 'oh, that's in India, it doesn;t matter.'

Knowledge in USA rises by 63% in one year. First they deny it, then they say it isn't 'real' Knowledge like they got in '72. Then they say Knowledge doesn't work, then they go on to the next self-created skirmish.

The saddest part about the EX-holes is they don't realize how far behind they are left. They still think it's 1972, and that Maharaji personally directs or even knows what each premie does. A few years ago someone in Russia created a website exposing the ex-holes to the same B*S* they dish out everyday. Bachers and Jimbo swore they could prove that Maharaji was behind it. Brauns the sock puppet repeated the lie (still does on EPO). They harassed at least 5 different premies, and no body was ever charged.

A bunch of premies disgusted with the decitful way EPO uses photos of Maharaji asked EV to have a lawyer write a simple letter invoking copyright law to see if it could be stopped. No case was ever filed, no one was ever 'sued.' The EX-holes simply refused to stop and the premies decided that resources were better spent elsewhere for the moment. Brauns (right here on this board) has the self-deluded nuts to say he 'succsessfully defended a copyright suit.' There never was a suit, especially by Maharaji. Again, any lie that makes Maharaji look bad will do. Deb has recounted several instances of how Jim asks people to lie, if it furthers the hate campaign.

Giorgio's radio site is a great idea, and a perfect example. The EX-holes 'demand' answers. F*ck them. They will call it cult stuff no matter what. They simply cannot get their little minds to understand that this is 2004 and Maharaji did not 'make' Giorgio build this wonderful thing. Giorgio did it as a genuine nd sincere expression from his heart.

The heart is a place Hellers, Bacher and Brauns ought to visit sometime. Their vengenance and hate might suffocate there.

Look, Maharaji could go on TV tomorrow, announce a cure for AIDS and that he's giving it away free, and these sickos would STILL wail and moan their 25-year old mantras.

The way I see it, Knowledge can assume a very big place in a person's life. When you leave, it's no big deal, but when you leave and your ego invests in never admitting the value of Knowledge or Maharaji's role in that, you are left with no choice but obsessive and hateful internet behavior.

Hence, EPO.

Don't engage, don't explain.

 Date:  Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 13:52:30 (EST)
 Posted by:  Wolf
 Original URL:  Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
 Subject:  Call the cops like they do!!
good stuff King. why don't the silly premies here trake any notice of their ruler's wisdoms?

I see the honcho and the paranoid have called big gun lawyer and the cops to deal with wolfie.

Man this is SERIOUS stuff!! Cynthia's very existence has been threatened!!


Get Wolfie's ISP QUICK!!!

Hey, did you know that under California statute 25: sub section b12 it is AN OFFENCE to say what may or may not happen in a perfect world. Oh yessireee!

cynthia/gerry/roger ----- any other yellow bellied skunks out there? Here's the message again for you.

In a perfect world instant termination would be the fate of your kind - you are drowing in hate and revenge

in a perfect world instant termination would be the fate of your kind - you are drowing in hate and revenge

in a perfect world instant termination would be the fate of your kind - you are drowing in hate and revenge.

Oh for a perfect world! sigh :(

You weak cowards get sadder and sadder with your little scary wary tactics.

In a perfect world instant termination would be the fate of your kind - you are drowing in hate and revenge.

THE CAT'S WHISKER A Funky little spot for anyone feeling free and easy

5 I can see clearly now
4 The light at the end of the tunnel is a train
3 Finally, I've got some people I can relate to.  Thanks, Cat!
2 I'm going to have to think about this some more.
1 I'm feeling so free and easy that I don't care.

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