Mata Ji... ah yes, the mother of creation...
a friend of mine tells this story about a woman he knows who went to an early program with mata ji speaking. Charnanand is translating for the audience, as the holy mother only speaks hindi.
This woman, however, is fluent in hindi, and can understand every hindi word the holy mother of creation is saying...
As mata ji screams at the audience, charnanand translates.
It went something like this...
Mata Ji: You must giver everything, everything to the holy lotus feet of Guru Maharaji, everything...
Charnanand: It is so nice to see all your smiling faces...
Mata Ji: Take off your watches right now and give them to the perfect master...
Charnanand: Maharaji has this most holy, perfect knowledge...
Mata: You will burn in hell if you don't give everything...
Charnanand: This meditation can bring you perfect peace...
Mata: Your lives are worthless without the perfect master.Now that you have heard, you must surrender everything, everything...
Charnanand: It is so simple, so blissful...
This went on for about an hour...the woman was completely amused, befuddled and freaked out at the same time...
She was incredulous that anyone could fall for such claptrap!