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A Python in the Chicken Coop
 Posted by: lakeshore
 Date: 01/08/2024, 11:43:00
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

Hi Susan,

Thank you for getting right to the point and not beating around the bush with analogies.

For the benefit of anyone who may be new here, while many of us were toiling away under exhausting schedules in Prem Rawat's ashrams singing Arti twice a day, spending at least two hours a day meditating under sheets and sitting on floors listening to "satsang" for an hour-and-a-half every night seven days a week for ten years, not to mention living under strict vows of poverty, chastity and obedience... Prem Rawat spent much of his time:
 amassing great personal wealth by demanding inordinate salaries off the top of donations made to his organizations; and

 collecting fine automobiles, a world class watch collection and other displays of opulence and excessive materialism; and

enjoying a two-hundred foot yacht named "Serenity," apparently acquired for his beneficial use under the umbrella of an obscure corporation; and

abusing his perceived power as a "divine being" and "perfect master" for the procurement of female followers for sex; and

shielding a mahatma known or strongly suspected to have molested minor children by having him sent back to India instead of facing justice; and

cavorting with an airline stewardess eight years his senior before marrying her when he was only sixteen years old; and 

smoking cigarettes and leaving empty beer cans and "girly mags" strewn about the floor of a gifted Rolls Royce; and

returning a borrowed fine automobile owned by a follower who spent hours lovingly and meticulously detailing it for him with an ashtray overflowing with stale cigarette butts; and

cranking-up "Frampton Comes Alive" at pot parties and, if not at that time, indulging in his million-dollar sound system; and

drinking so heavily on occasion that he had to be escorted to his bedroom; and

wavering drunk down the stairway of a Gulfstream jet paid for by followers and stumbling into the back seat of an awaiting limousine, after which he reportedly stooped over; and

ordering a follower to contact the captain of a cargo ship carrying his new Porsche somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and tell him to make the ship go faster; and

benefiting from hundreds of followers transferred like property to a rundown hotel where they lived communally and worked exhausting schedules for little more than room and board overhauling a Boeing 707 outfitted with a golden toilet (while I passionately encouraged followers to donate "grandma's" gold and silver jewelry and other family heirlooms to help pay for it; and

getting kicks out of shoving finely dressed followers into swimming pools, poking naked followers' penises with a stick and pouring motor oil over them; and

having the audacity to call people who legitimately criticize him for such behavior and hypocrisy "unlit matches" who "came for the wrong reasons;" and

credible allegations of much worse!

These are only a few of the accounts of eyewitnesses who cared enough about the well-being of others to try to warn them about a python in the chicken coop. And this doesn't even begin to address other ethical lapses and anti-social/cultural guidance that resulted in harm (often referred to as derailment) to countless individuals in the form of significant educational, financial, psychological and social setbacks.

Meanwhile, to this very day, ardent followers of Prem Rawat ignore all this and instead make-up excuses as they endeavor to re-frame, re-write or just plain bury this history. With the exception of a few bad apples from the outset, it is unimaginable to me that these otherwise good people would ever condone such behavior if they hadn't become entangled with him.

Clearly Prem Rawat's behavior and hypocrisy is 1) antithetical to his message of peace; 2) demonstrates his utter lack of anything of the sort; and 3) calls into serious doubt the legitimacy and efficacy of his so-called self-knowledge. If it didn't do anything for the teacher, how is it supposed to do anything for the student? 

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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