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Obliterating one's own reminders
 Posted by: lakeshore
 Date: 08/28/2024, 17:22:33
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

"Rawat reminds us that our breath is the most important thing to us. The difference between life and death."

Not to distract from 13 and Nik's factual and keenly insightful comments... but surely billions of people have or continue to consume alcohol and/or nicotine, marijuana, narcotics, stimulants, psychedelics and a host of other substances that alter a person's mental state or consciousness. I have in varying degrees and most people I know have in varying degrees. I say that because I don't want to come across as hypocritical, preachy, prudish or judgmental.

Having said that:

Practically speaking, at the same time Prem Rawat was reminding you of exactly what you said in your post, he smoked like a chimney and regularly drank until he was intoxicated. According to eye-witnesses, marijuana was commonplace among his inner circle and he condoned its use by holding pot parties in his living room (during the ashram era no less). Rumors abound of cocaine use in circles close to him as well.

There are eye-witness accounts of Prem Rawat:

- too drunk to make it up the stairs to his bedroom on his own.
- stumbling drunk off his jet into the backseat of a chauffeur driven automobile where he was observed slouched over and speaking incoherently.
- returning a lovinlgy detailed fine automobile he borrowed for a day with an ashtray overflowing with stank cigarette butts.
- being observed in many other similar circumstances.

A premie who did security at his Amaroo residence told me of removing trash cans full of empty booze and cognac bottles.

Rationalizing however one may and setting aside issues of legality, ALL OF THE SUBSTANCES I mentioned are literally poison to the human body and therefore harmful and antithetical to life and the very breath Prem Rawat claims to be the most important thing and the difference between life and death. I know from my own experience and because top cardiologists all the way down to the skilled nurses who support them and cared for me told me so. "Poison," their words, not mine. They treat the consequences every day.

I should thank you because your post opened the door to something I've been wondering about: if Knowledge/Self-Knowledge, life and breath are as important as Prem Rawat reminded you of (the difference between life and death); and 2) if all of it supposedly leads one to discover their true self, then why does Prem Rawat and hordes of his followers, especially those closest to him, seek to alter their mental state and consciousness by literally poisoning themselves with all these toxic substances? Late night at Daya's, the place to be at Amaroo.

Is Knowledge/Self-Knowledge f/k/a Knowledge of God, clear consciousness, "that experience," "real" peace, etc., so lacking or insufficient in terms of satisfaction and fulfillment that the cult appears to be awash in alcohol - practically an alcohol cult? When I was a premie, I didn't know any premie who didn't drink and I knew a lot of them.

What I'm really talking about is Prem Rawat severely and hypocritically obliterating the very thing you say he reminds you of. He apparently endeavors to squelch it in himself!

How do you or anyone else reconcile these diametrically opposed conditions, i.e., Self-Knowledge, clarity, etc., with so much intoxication? How is anyone supposed to take him seriously in light of not only his substance abuse, but also in light of all the other eye-witness accounts of his deplorable behavior including but not limited to the child sexual abuse of his own son?
As you think about it, please note that the common rationalizations of 1) the "clarity" or "consciousness" of Knowledge results in some sort of transcendence or floating above the affects of such substances (or concepts!); and 2) Prem Rawat is a human being no different than anyone else with the same human frailties and vulnerabilities (a lame attempt at sympathy) send my bullshit meter off the scale specifically as they relate to reconciling his chronic substance abuse with his own commitment to his "reminders." 

Oh, and "but it works for me!," so stated by the cult-indoctrinated follower as he or she quaffs, lights-up, ingests or pops another.

"Knowledge works!" Really?

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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