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Re: Harder, harder...
 Posted by: lakeshore
 Date: 11/09/2022, 17:35:03
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
1973... that's four of us in just these top threads. And Tim was only 17! I was 19, so no bunking off school for me. (Plenty of that a few years earlier.)

Mahatma Trivinanand (referred to as "stone face" at the time) in Kansas City for me. Not too hard on my eyes, but my friend in the same session...

He went into some sort of trance and started rocking back and forth, actually making quite a scene. Whereas I moved into an ashram a year or so later, he never practiced in any way we would consider practicing. We never talked about it.

(It was odd that he would still say "Jai Sat Chit Anand" decades after it was discontinued.)

Finally, a couple of months ago when I confronted him about the detrimental effects of my thirty-six years in the cult (because he never acknowledged it) compared to his never practicing and seemingly walking away, he opened up and told me what he experienced during that trance:

"The essence of every human being who ever lived floating in space as an autonomous ball of light." Then he quoted Yoda: "Luminous beings, we are."

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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