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 Posted by: lakeshore
 Date: 08/02/2024, 15:20:34
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

Yeah, you're absolutely right Thinking. If I had knowingly allowed those tens of thousands of people to worship me as the Lord, kiss my feet for more than a decade and amassed that much wealth from their donations and free labor because they 1) believed me when I told them who I was; 2) quit schools, jobs, careers, families, friendships and whatnot to follow my teachings more closely; and 3) did what I told them to do because of who they thought I was and who I told them I was... when they addressed me all those years by the very name I used to refer to myself, my own name if you will, and not some silly label I didn't feel like going by and could've easily rejected...

And then when it all came to a screeching halt because it couldn't possibly withstand the scrutiny of the press, the general public or anyone with two feet on the ground because it was so embarassing and indefensible... not to mention the liability I was exposed to... Sure. I'd ditch my own labels or change my name or whatever and try to repackage myself too. As fast as possible!

The difference is that I would've come right out and said: STOP IT! RIGHT NOW! I'm sorry I misled you so egregiously. Instead, no such clear, unambiguous disavowal of the meaning of those labels that Prem Rawat eagerly embraced and promoted during that ten-plus year history ever occurred. Actually, no corrrective communication whatsoever ever occurred. No apology. No money back. Instead, the worshipping continued unabated like some sort of secret society of closeted guru worshippers who put on a new public face because they knew it was wierd. All they did was hide their wierdness and try to spin it like it seems to me you're trying to do now. Don't believe me? Just read the over-the-top cult-dripping "My Master" superlatives below the fairly recent "coffee shop" video, YouTube offerings and other stuff the cult puts out. 

Do you really believe that everything that occurred between 1972 and 1984 (and beyond) was just a big mix-up due to labels other people stuck on poor, innocent Prem? Do you really believe his followers would've donated and sacrificed so much to anything or anyone less that who Guru Maharaji a/k/a Prem Rawat not only claimed to be but knowingly allowed and encouraged them to believe? Demanded even? (Please don't forget I was there.) As if they would've done all that for an ordinary teacher, humanitarian or self-appointed "peace ambassador"?

"NEWS FLASH! Human changes with times and uses real name instead of titles given to him by others."
Yeah, you could put it that way. But I would be deeply disappointed because I know you're capable of far better.

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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