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Re: So much dismay
 Posted by: lakeshore
 Date: 07/03/2023, 08:56:37
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
"If you want to be strong, then learn humility. Learn that gentleness towards yourself," he says to police officers. What could possibly be wrong with that?

We've known for years about the cult's efforts to erase Prem Rawat's former "god incarnate/Knowledge of god" history and rebrand it with a humanitarian/peace ambassador/universally attractive version of inner peace approach (without all the "concepts" as any premie might add).

As I laughed it off as too little too late to erase such a well-documented past, I was surprised one day to notice that it might be working. I noticed a significantly increased presense/saturation on social media that was impressive. Except for the infamous "coffee shop" interview, the newer content appears to be well-produced, positive and clearly attractive to an unsuspecting public (especially when unfiltered by my own cynicism).

It struck me that perhaps the primary objective is no longer to spread Knowledge (initially), but to build a solid base of positive name recognition that elevates Prem Rawat's stature and public perception. I also suspected that this may have more to do with his legacy and the future viability of TPRF, WOPG and other cult organizations (the family business).

Not to disparage prisoners, but it was laughable when PEP (Peace Education Program) was confined to captive audiences. Now it's expanding to public schools and at least one police force. I used to think nothing could overshadow everything done by ex-premies to warn the public, but now I'm not so sure. With all the awards, recognition, soft Sidner types of interviews and everything else, I sense that the "new" cult and its positive name recognition campaign may be working. Moreover, who's the public going to believe and look to for validation? Fading critics confined to a few websites more focused on "ancient" history (that Prem Rawat was "never responsible for" ) or word of mouth from younger contemporary police officers and students?

It's an uncomfortable thought for sure. Of course we all know about the two-faced behavior of secretly foot-worshiping premies and Prem Rawat's hypocritical and deplorable behavior. But doesn't that fade along with aging (and fewer) vocal ex-premies who try to point it out in the same way his "Lord of the Universe" days faded?

With the next generation of younger, energetic and determined organizers, the cult isn't stopping and I'm afraid that at this point, not much can be done about it. Certainly the cumulative and courageous work of ex-premies has prevented and will continue to prevent some people from being duped, but I'm concerned that it could easily be overwhelmed in the new era.

(Someone please tell me when it's safe to come out!  )

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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