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Welcome to the Prem Rawat cult
 Posted by: lakeshore
 Date: 10/15/2024, 08:16:36
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

When followers called Prem Rawat a "divine child king," "pure light who transmits grace" and "the king of love, bringer of peace and light of the world," young Prem did not agree. Instead, he described himself as a servant and dismissed the claims by saying "I don't have to consider whether they are right or wrong because I am busy in my work - I can't give attention to the minor things."

A few years later, Prem went on to convey that in his capacity as Guru Maharaji, the title he fully embraced and answered to, he is actually greater than God. In his own words, he said "guru is greater than God because he can show you God." He went on to explicitly say "I can show you God." And to eliminate any ambiguity and make it perfectly clear, again in his own words, he further elaborated and explicitly defined himself:

"Guru Maharaji. The Lord. All powerful."

Morning and night for an entire decade and often standing before him in person, followers sang "Creator, Preserver, Destroyer bow their heads and pray to you... our Lord is the superior power in person. I bow down before such a wonderful Lord." Did Prem Rawat ever blush, demure or in any way attempt to dissuade them? Did he ever say something like "No, no, no. Stop. There must be a misunderstanding?" No he did not. Instead, referring to that song, he said "mean it!"

Once again, Prem didn't have to consider whether they were right or wrong because he was busy in his work of fulfilling his role as the manifestation of God on earth who, in his own words, "this time has come with more power than ever before." His work that continued unabated for nearly fifteen years, well into his late twenties while immersed in western culture, until he toned it down to something less worthy of ridicule. He changed his tune without giving any attention to the "minor things" of disavowing any of it or acknowledging any of the harm he caused in the lives of so many vulnerable and innocent people.

Harm in the form of arrested development, mental distress, social isolation, negatively altered life trajectories, family disruption, child neglect, broken relationships and substantial educational, financial and other sacrifices.

Harm in the form of his remaining followers disagreeing with all this because their cult indoctrination prohibits them from acknowldging any harm done to themselves or others, or anything inconsistent with his teachings or disruptive to their relationship with him.

Harm in the form of their responses to accounts of unimpeachable eye-witnesses who exposed Prem Rawat's sexual exploitation of followers, excessive drinking, smoking, over-the-top materialism and numerous examples of his grossly abhorrent behavior that stood in stark contrast to his teachings.

Harm in the form of their responses to one of his son's allegations of childhood sexual molestation that Prem acknowledged in an audio recording attended by two other family members.

In response to all of that, some of his followers defend his actions and behavior by implying that he's entitled to do as he pleases while he's here on the earth he created. Falling back on their "experience," others say as much as "I don't care as long as I have mine." And then they blame the son, call him a liar and make-up stories about him.

Harm in the form of the institutional Borg-like collective revisionism of the real history and background of Prem Rawat that they don't want anyone to know about. Even as Prem's deliberate actions spanning decades were plain as day, they've convinced themselves and each other that Prem had nothing to do with any of it. It was all other peoples' fault and Prem is just a humble servant.

Welcome to the Prem Rawat cult. 

Bob Tooker

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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