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Re: megalomaniacs
 Posted by: lesley
 Date: 09/10/2022, 15:25:23
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
I read something once where the person said that by the time they are 10 years old narcissists are dominating the playground because the rest of us are too grown up to throw/threaten to throw tantrums at that age.

I really don't think Rawat is in the same league as Hitler etc, and I don't think Jim Jones makes it there either even though crazier than Rawat. 

Or that other one Osho, there's a raft of heavy weights in the guru trade when you think of it.  Rawat has done very well for himself by being a bit less crazy and better business practices.  Remember the 'once you have a million then you need another million to protect it', Long Beach quote?

They all have the same narcissistic trait and they are just the tip of the iceberg of narcissism.  Let's not forget all the underhanded stuff that goes on.  All the petty nastiness - it all adds up.

There's that story Rawat told about the red truck in the shop window and his mother wouldn't buy it for him and he threw tantrum after tantrum til she did.  (this was supposed to inspire us? oh the irony!)

The sense I have made out of listening to Rawat's stories of his childhood is that he understood his father was pretending to be god (remember the story of his mother throwing coins to a roadside shrine and his father being annoyed with her) and he learnt all the basics of the trade from his father and the senior mahatmas.  He might have been the younger brother but he got the throne and maybe the show was run by the older mahatmas in the early days but he knew what his role was from the start.

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4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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