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Re: So what happened with being vegetarian?
 Posted by: lesley
 Date: 02/13/2023, 16:54:34
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)
Once  past the early days with the Mother Nature dresses and the no make up for ashram sisters and those delicious ashram feasts of vegetarian cooking things changed and I would have eaten as much meat as I'd wanted to - it was well known Maharaji ate meat and plenty of the premies I knew were eating it.

I took to eating some chicken and fish.  I know I could not kill a chicken, or a fish for that matter.  Though I am happy to rip a carrot out of the ground.  What's that carrot ever done to me, idk but I'm going to munch it's little heart out.

I think there's a bit of a thing with young teenage girls, something changes, it certainly happened to me - I went from not bothered to repulsed by the smell at the butchers.

Interesting considering that is the age when the need for iron increases.

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