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Posted: Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 06:31:13 (EST)
Original: NA
Posted by: Mil Recipient: All
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Message Count: 329,457 visits (1 today, 1 this week, 1 this month, 329,456 this year)

Subject: By their fruits ye shall know them


It's pretty obvious what happens to people when they stop practicing K. They become sullen, bitter, angry, morose and in other words, a pain in the butt. So why should I follow suit? Just because Gerry, Cynthia or Livia say so?

Like hell I will.

Posted: Fri, Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 06:48:22 (EST)
Original: NA
Posted by: DavidJ Recipient: All
Browser Type: Premzilla/4.0 (incompatible; incompatible; incompatible)
Message Count: 329,457 visits (1 today, 1 this week, 1 this month, 329,456 this year)

Subject: But think about it


Your brain is thinking, thinking all the time. Even when you're sleeping or watching TV it's still thinking about something. Like a muscle it gets tired and worn out if used continuously. Then you get cranky, irritable, sullen, bitter and morose. You need some way to stop the mind and find peace.

THE CAT'S WHISKER A Funky little spot for anyone feeling free and easy

These brain-dead premies are just great. They don't want to think. They don't want us to think. They know that thinking makes one unhappy.

How do they know that?

They know that because that's what Maharaji has told them again and again and again. They've been brainwashed. They can't think for themselves anymore. In fact, they'd prefer not to think at all.

They're still pointing at the MIND as the evil enemy that must be silenced and destroyed. And you know that by silencing the mind there is nothing to resist the brainwashing that emanates from the cult and from Maharaji.

Not a good place to be.

Is this a group of people you really want to join up with?

10 So, now it's rotten fruit instead of vegetables
9 You are in your Mind
8 I'm so confused
7 Maharaji, I give you my Mind
6 The mind. The Mind.  The MIND!!!!
5 I'm in my mind
4 They're in their minds
3 The mind is a terrible thing to waste
2 Maharaji is pure and perfect.  He has no mind
1 What mind?
0 Nevermind
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