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Re: Thinking backwards into the heart of darkness
 Posted by: Thinking
 Date: 08/28/2024, 03:31:55
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

Given a choice, and we do have a choice here, I would much rather read what Rawat says than prembio's opinion of what Rawat said.

Rawat reminds us that our breath is the most important thing to us. The difference between life and death. Worth paying attention to.

Re: Thinking backwards into the heart of darkness
 Posted by: 13
 Date: 08/28/2024, 04:43:12
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

Rawat and other pretend mystics love this business about the breath being the most important thing. It's as though observing the breath was their deepest dive into biochemistry. As if they've never understood the importance of blood sugar levels, or blood pressure, or hydration and a million transactions happpening all the time in our bodies. A beating heart is pretty important too.

To suggest breath is the difference between life and death is simplistic nonsense. My brother had open heart surgery, and oxygen was supplied to his body via a constant exchange of blood. He didn't breathe for several hours. (He's alive and well now after a replacement valve was fitted).

It's the same romantic mystic tosh that described a swan having filters in its mouth to filter out the 'impurities' so that it could drink pure water (The filters are like whale baleen, and they filter out the food from the water, so it's the opposite of what the mahatmas used to say). And flames rising upwards to try to reunite with their true home, the sun (even at night when the sun is below the fire!).

Grow out of this nonsense Mr Thinking. It really is just stupid! Open a book on physics or biochemistry and start to appreciate the inricate and amazing things that really are keeping you alive.

Re: Thinking backwards into the heart of darkness
 Posted by: Nik
 Date: 08/28/2024, 06:38:00
 Original URL: Click here (However, the link may be stale.)

Emulating your master offering trite non suequiturs in gravitas rhetoric. 

 You prefer Prem's dribblings to Pb's delightfully snarky jibes at Prem's dribblings - why should anyone care what you prefer ? Do you have some qualification that makes your preferences of value beyond those of 8 billion others ?

Prem reminds you alone, not any extensive "us". There is no collective other than the tiny Borg mind of remnant premiedom and outside of that no one is being reminded of any of Prem's crass rhetoric.

What  Prem offers is an empty shell, devoid of anything real, he keeps selling the offer purely for self agrandisement and the accrual wealth, what happens here is pointing out the vaccuity all that, and occasionally laughing about it. 

5 Brighter than 1000 suns as seen through night vision goggles
4 As bright as the lights on Maharaji's jet
3 As bright as a 60 watt light bulb
2 As bright as a pile of burning ghi on a swinging arti tray
1 As bright as the inner light as seen by the third eye

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